Tuesday, February 14, 2012

All You Need Is...Love???

Valentine’s Day, more than any other day on my calendar, saddens me. No, it’s not because I’m single, lonely, or because I have no one to give me chocolate. What bothers me is our preoccupation with what our culture has defined as love, which is merely romance.

Before I go any further, please understand that this entry is intended for young, unmarried people—specifically in their teens and twenties.

Nowadays we define singleness as a negative thing. If you don’t have a special person to celebrate Valentine’s Day with, chances are you’re spending the day feeling miserable and lonely, and if you’re not, everyone else thinks you should be. As if that’s not bad enough, those who are “in relationships” (pardon my facebook terminology, but I’m referring to those who are in dating relationships with no real commitment or intention to eventually marry) tend to go about flaunting their “non-singleness” with those horrifying kissy-photos that makes us all feel a bit nauseous.

Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life. Proverbs 4:23

My point is that there is so much pressure to be in some sort of relationship from essentially every angle that sometimes we begin to wonder what’s wrong with us if we’re not. I cannot begin to express how very backwards this way of thinking is! Every day we’re bombarded with what looks like the perfect picture of romance via the movies we watch, the books we read, the music we listen to—in fact, you don’t even have to resort to the media for your daily smut intake. Simply walk on to your nearest high school or college campus and you’re bound to stumble across a couple making out in the hallway. Sometimes it’s enough to make me wish I was blind.

I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, that you not stir up or awaken love until it pleases. Song of Solomon 8:4

What’s really sad is when I see this “singleness is evil” mindset take over in our youth groups. I’m not saying that a healthy relationship cannot/should not ever begin in such a setting, but I AM saying that the pressure, the flirtatiousness, the suggestive clothing is so, so, SO WRONG!!! Shouldn’t church be a place of refuge, a place to re-fuel spiritually so that we can be ready to face the trials and temptations of the world?

I remember going to winter camp with my youth group one year; one of the guys came for the sole purpose of getting some random girl’s phone number. You may not think that this example is really a bad thing, but look at the bigger picture. What good do these things do for you, let alone your brothers/sisters in Christ, assuming that you’re actually saved? If your goal is to take the focus off of Christ and to put it on yourself, go home. I’m not saying this to be harsh or unloving. I’m saying it to prevent you from hindering yourself and others in your walk with God. Don’t be a distraction!

Singleness is not as bad as the majority tends to think. Most people eventually end up getting married, so don’t live your life in pursuit of that one object. Be content where God has you right now, growing closer to Him daily. Use this unique time in your life to serve and glorify God to the best of your ability. Oh, there is so much more to life than the pursuit of Mr. or Mrs. Right! Do something to make your life count—to make your Savior look as great as He truly is! He loves you so much more than anyone else ever could. Let us not stand before Him one day, having nothing to account for but our pursuit of mere human love. Let God be your focal point, your greatest desire. No one should take your Savior's place in your heart!

You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You. Isaiah 26:3

Although I have yet to experience it for myself, I do know that it will be so much more beautiful and satisfying if only I wait for the right person in God’s perfect timing, and if I can conduct myself in the way that most pleases my Savior in the mean time. After all, our star-breathing God has much better plans for us than we have for ourselves! I’m pretty sure He knows what He’s doing!

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