Saturday, November 13, 2010

List of Grievances

I think it's about time I start ranting and raving about all the things that frustrate me in life. To make this more interesting, I'll put it in list format:

1) Having to pee while on the computer. Seriously, I HATE tearing myself away from the screen for something that insignificant.

2) Facebook. I. Hate. Facebook. Waste of time, waste of life, waste of...face.

3) People who whine about their stupid relationships. Nobody cares if Pete is going out with Katie now because she smells better than you.

4) My ever-deteriorating grammar skills. Was that even grammatically correct? *dies slowly*

5) An internet connection that shuts off promptly at 10:15 every night. Sometimes I get REALLY lucky when it decides to shut off even EARLIER.

6) The smell of fish.

7) People who do what I'm doing right now...griping about the things in life that irritate them.

8) Realizing that I'm a very un-motivated individual [musically, scholastically, etc.] and feeling powerless to do anything about it.

9) Boys. Not men, but boys. Boys who are 18 and up.

10) I think I'll add girls too while I'm at it. See above definition.

11) People who have infatuations with unattractive individuals based solely on the fact that these individuals are famous and/or popular (For example, Robert Pattinson).

12) Pterodactyls.

13) Pasta.

14) Shaving cream. Why? Because it never stops coming out of the stupid can!!! That and I can never afford it so I always have to use a stupid bar of stupid soap for my stupid legs and usually I end up cutting myself with the stupid razor because of my lack of stupid shaving cream.

15) Fingernails.

16) Being obsessively organized, then realizing that most people don't feel the same passion towards organization that I feel.

17) People who hate haters. These people do realize that by hating haters they hate as well and therefore become haters themselves, right? Which in turn makes them into a bunch of hating hater haters. I think that's doubly heinous.

18) The disappearance of the terms "doy", "duh" and "durr". Weren't they the coolest phrases ever in 1998?

19) People who get angry because someone is angry at them. What does that even mean? "I'm so mad at him!" "Why?" "Because he's mad at me!"

20) The tendency of chocolate to melt.

I think that just about covers it.

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